Thanks to the Session community for letting Nico and Shaun host this month's Session #22. It was a great experience and the entries were both entertaining and informative: In no particular order, unless you count the order they were received I present "The Session #22: What Does Repeal Mean to Me?"
Lew Bryson of Seen Through a Glass discussed the historical elements and hypocrisy surrounding the backers and enforcement of Prohibition.
Amy from Amy Mittelman Brewing Battles gives an historical account of Prohibition and Repeal and the economic and social impact.
The Beer Nut, wrote about Prohibition in Ireland and how hard it can be to get a decent beer on St. Patrick's Day in Ireland.
Peter of the BetterBeerBlog cherishes that he can drink beer and writes about the historical significance of the Repeal of Prohibition.
Tom of Yours for Good Fermentables discussed how the history of the national repeal of prohibition still left open the possibility of local prohibitions.
David of Musings Over a Pint discussed how history can repeat itself, and even in his own backyard, by the neo-prohibitionists and religious backed organizations to once again take away our enjoyment of alcoholic beverages.
Al of Hop Talk how important the Repeal of Prohibition is to his everyday enjoyment of his passion - Beer.
Stephen Beaumont's 'grumpy' post on his Canadian perspective on the Repeal of Prohibition.
Chris at Beer Utopia discussed how if it were not for the Repeal of Prohibition we would not have the American Craft Beer movement, nor would we have home brewing.
Sonnett Beer wrote about how his life might of been different without Repeal with maybe better grades, but at the very least he is now drinking better beer.
E.S. Delia writes at Relentless Thirst about our culture of alcohol in the United States and how we respond to such issues.
Alan, a Canadian and of A Good Beer Blog brings up the argument - why are we discussing the 21st Amendment and the transparent tie in with the host blog/brewery? And how Prohibition and the subsequent Repeal had no effect on him.
Rob of PFIFF writes how Prohibition and subsequent Repeal is a reminder of the power of government.
Mario of Brewed For Thought writes how a small moral minority can change the direction of a nation.
Jasmine of Beer at Joe's discusses humorous stories from Prohibition and how people found their drink.
Andy of I'll Have a Beer brings up the point that we have not learned our lessons from Prohibition when we look at the parallel with the United States and international drug prohibition.
Jon of The Brew Site asks the question: where would we be if it weren't for Prohibition?
Marcus of FinalGravity, a pictorial essay of what he can do because of Repeal.
Jay of Brookston Beer Bulletin wrote about how for the past 75 years since the Repeal we have demonized alcohol.
olllllo of the Beer Hack(er) is amazed at how individuals follow their dreams of opening breweries in these archaic post prohibition times.
Captain Hops of Beer Haiku Daily summarizes the history of Prohibition and Repeal in Haiku.
The Scribe of A Mixed Dram is practicing his right to drink!
Juan of Juan's Home Brewery discusses how with Repeal we have reaped both the good and bad since Prohibition.
Barley Blog writes about how Repeal has afforded him the opportunity to make new friends and share experiences.
Chipper Dave of Fermentedly Challenged opines on what it would be like if Prohibition were to return.
Dan from Beer-O-Vision gives some great information and links for what Prohibition was like in Buffalo, New York.
The Geist of Geistbear Brewing Blog wrote an account of helping people carry on the tradition of brewing at home all part of our Post-Prohibition society.
Beerme at Beer and Firkins talked about the absurdity of an Amendment to the US Constitution that outlawed the consumption of alcohol and how that Amendment effected lifestyles and hobbies.
Brad at La Petite Brasserie wrote about that without Repeal we would of never seen the growth and innovation in the brewing industry that today gives us an opportunity to drink beer from 1440 craft breweries.
Ray of Bath Tub Brewery discussed how in a representative democracy complacency by the American population can allow for the powerful few to outweigh the needs of the many.
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